324 The Janus List

Everything just seems complicated now …

Summary: A stand-off with a bomber leads to a secret that will change Don’s team.

Original air date
: May 18, 2007 (US)

Written by
: Robert Port and Ken Sanzel

Directed by
: John Behring

Opening numbers:

6: Bugs
7: Bombs
8: Questions
2: Days to live

Family Concepts: (character development)

  • David drives a red Jeep, license number 5WHGO61
  • Don’s junior year batting average was .293 (don’t know if this was high school or college)
  • Megan returns from the DOJ assignment, but is unsure if she can continue to be an FBI agent
  • Larry is still at the monestary
  • First use of Don Vision

Episode Quotes:

  • David: The bridge didn’t kill me once today might as well give it another shot.
  • Charlie: So, you know I’m always happy to help you, right?
    Don: What face to face with this guy cross the line?
    Charlie: Frankly, yeah.
  • Charlie: You’re not supposed to be looking at that.
    Amita: You’re not supposed to leave it lying around.
  • David: I’da taken Ruth cuz he hit all those home runs and he was drunk.
  • Megan: Whatever makes you feel better about handing them [files] over.
  • Charlie: Actually, I’m a mathematician.
  • Charlie: What do you think it means?
    Don: I don’t know. You can’t expect me to know everything!

Episode Synopsis:

As David crosses a bridge on his way to work, a truck on the bridge explodes.  A man, with several cell phones strapped to his body states he will blow up the bridge unless he can talk to Don and Charlie.  He asks several questions of both Don and Charlie removing a phone for each correct answer.  Colby and David scale the bridge and find out the cell company the man is using and service for the phones is disconnected.  When Don knows the phones can no longer be used as detonators, he charges the man, however the bomber is able to reach one of his bombs and before setting it off tells Don to trust the Janus List.  Surprisingly, he survives the blast.

Megan is able to discover the man is Taylor Ashby an analyst for a company called BlackRain International.  Ashby was hired by the company after MI6 fired him after a thirty year career.  Charlie visits Ashby at the hospital and figures out the man is still trying to communicate through codes.  He tells Charlie he was deliberately poisoned, something Megan confirms.  Charlie works out that Ashby is trying to tell them about the Janus List through the questions he asked on the bridge.  Figuring out the code, leads the FBI to Naomi Vaughn a reporter for the LA Ledger.

Vaughn tells Megan Ashby was going to give her a Janus List, a list of spies who have been turned by a rival government, but as far as she knows he never did.  When another attempt is made to kill Ashby, Vaughn is put in protective custody at a beach house with Megan and Colby. The beach house is attacked, Megan and Colby manage to shoot two of the three men invading the house and while Megan takes care of the third, Colby gets Vaughn away from the line of fire down an outside stairway

Charlie and Amita figure out that Ashby hid the list on Vaughn’s answering machine, and they also know the password for the second voice mailbox thanks to Don spotting the G major scale in the way Ashby placed the bombs on the bridge.  While Don and David listen in Charlie calls the voice mailbox and they hear Ashby detail his list of double agents, including Colby Granger.

Colby is arrested on the stairway with Vaughn still in tow. When questioned by Don, he admits to hiding a bug in Ashby’s apartment for the Chinese government two years ago.  He says he doesn’t know who would have poisoned Ashby but hints it could be Dwayne Carter, Colby’s old Army buddy now being held for treason charges.  The episode ends with Colby and Carter arrested and driven away.