515 Guilt Trip

We had the guy.  We had him …

Summary: AUSA Robin Brooks asks Don to investigate a case of jury-tampering after a weapons smuggler is acquitted

Original air date: February 13, 2009 (US)

Written by: Mary Leah Sutton

Directed by: Gwyneth Horder-Payton

Opening numbers:

1,055,995: Eligible jurors
$15: Daily juror wage
481-5162342: Juror ID number
1: Verdict

Family Concepts: (character development)

  • Alan joins Facebook
  • David applies for the Primary Relief Supervisor position
  • Alan would bribe Don and Charlie with ice cream to get them to talk when they were kids
  • Colby holds the high score for the office on the combat pistol range
  • Charlie wants to find a way to prevent crimes using probability theory

Episode Quotes:

  • Charlie: It’s a spacial dynamic jury model; a statistical model of jury behavior.
    Alan: Was it developed by twelve angry mathematicians?
  • Colby: Hey, you do know I have the high score in the office on the combat pistol range, right?
    David: Yeah. Why?
    Colby: Just something to keep in mind in case you order me to get your coffee.
  • David: I’m usually one for drinking the math Kool-Aide, but that doesn’t sound right.

Episode Synopsis:

Damian Lake is on trial for the murder of Erica Daniels.  Erica was an FBI informant helping the Bureau arrest Lake for arms dealing.  During the arrest, Lake traps Daniels in an elevator and kills her.  Surprisingly, the jury for the case acquits Lake of the murder and Robin Brooks wants to know how.  Charlie already suspects jury tampering of some variety and starts running a statistical model of the jury members, even though those members are all anonymous.

Charlie’s modeling shows some sort of jury tampering occurred and he thinks it had to be through the software used by the courts to select a jury pool.  David and Colby discover the only people with clearance to work on the software are employees of the company who designed it.  They also discover a so-called patch was added to the program at about the same time the Lake jury was selected, and the man who installed wasn’t an employee of the company, but a high level hacker named Robert Logan.  The lead fizzles when David and Colby find Logan dead in his apartment. Reviewing Logan’s phone records, the FBI discovers Logan was talking to Mitch Langford, a jury consultant for the Lake defense.  Langford refuses to talk to Nikki and Colby claiming anything he discussed would be covered by attorney privilege.

Robin is able to take the information gathered so far to a judge and gets the names of the jurors on the case and eventually the judge also grants a mistrial. With a mistrial declared Don wants Lake back in custody.  Colby and David take a team to his house only to find out he’s left the country for Costa Rica. The FBI however is able to prove quickly that Lake isn’t in Costa Rica after all.  Fox Carter, Lake lieutenant, knows Lake did something to the jury to ensure he was acquitted, but Carter doesn’t know what Lake did, and he doesn’t know where Lake is now.

Charlie and Robin also discover an alternate on the jury was planted to act as a dissenting voice.  Justin Cerf is a faked ID for Greg Silver a conman.  However Cerf would need some help with turning the jury. Charlie is able to complete his analysis of the jury members and discovers two members of the jury who could help Cerf manipulate the jury.  When questioned both state they were threatened in order to cooperate with Cerf.

Mitch Langford is the only member of the defense team who would know which jury members to try and bribe or threaten to get an acquittal.  Colby convinces Greg Silver to set Langford up in order for the FBI to arrest him.  When questioned, Langford states he has no idea where Lake is and he doesn’t think the FBI will be able to track him down.  Robin wants all of the banking information Langford can give her, and when she informs Langford the two murders and several charges of jury tampering will be charged against him, Langford agrees. Charlie and Matt Li track banking transactions and discover Lake is using a bank in Aruba.  Don flies to Aruba and arrested Lake.